Sunday, June 17, 2012

I Used To Have An Imaginary Friend...

I used to have an imaginary friend. We never played together, because his imaginary parents didn't like me.

Those who say, don't know.  Those who know, don't say.

Two voices are better than one, unless those voices happen to be in your head.

The heart is a single-minded creature.

I don't see the deaths of the Jews as murder, I see them as very late-term abortions.

The coolest cat in the room, trapped in the body of the biggest dork.

They're good mothers, good wives, good housekeepers...  in other words, they're our enemies.

I let that go.  I didn't have four hours.

They'd rather sit at the cool table, than be the cool table.

The Jews are the disease, and I'm the cure.

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